I have grown up volunteering in my community and when I went to college, that didn’t change. I was quickly involved in a mentor program for Philadelphia students, I was a TA for a class helping ESL learners work through 101 courses, and I started several of my own events to support our neighborhood including a community clean-up and a clothing drive for residents displaced after an apartment building fire. Once I joined a sorority, there were even more activities and events to be involved in that would support others. Serving others is important to me, and I think if you have the opportunity to positively impact the lives of others, that you should do it. But, after college, there weren’t as many opportunities to get involved, and I knew that I needed to figure something out.

Shopping at Target for supplies that will be donated to students in the Lehigh Valley.

There are a lot of reasons why women don’t join the Junior League, but there are so many reasons why you should. If you have any questions that I don’t cover, please comment on this post or send me a message! It is such a great opportunity that I know you will get a lot out of.

And now, let’s answer all of your questions!

What is the time commitment?
As with a lot of things in life, the Junior League is as much or as little as you make it.

Do you have to live in the same town where the Junior League takes place?
When you join the Junior League the best thing to do is get active in the chapter closest to you. If you do have to move away, you can be a non-member so that you can still attend events and work with other members, but it is cheaper because you don’t have as many requirements.

How do you join?
Just message your local chapter! There is a New Member Chair that will help orient you and answer any/all of your questions.

Is it a good way to meet new people?
100% yes! It is a great experience to meet new people. Not just friends, but also networking connections. A great aspect of the League is the opportunity to spend time with other women that are also civic-minded and motivated to continue learning and do good in their communities. In addition to organized social events, there are also commonly impromptu happy hours, book clubs, dinner parties, and so much more.

Our backpack stuffing event was AWESOME and I had a blast!

How do you become a member?
So easy! Just reach out to your local chapter. There will be membership events where you can go and meet current members while also learning about what you would need to do to join. You can always contact a chapter’s membership chair, but you can also just reach out to any member because they will help to point you in the right direction and can give you some great insights into their membership experience.

Does it cost money to join? What are the requirements to be a member?
It does. There are annual dues, I currently pay $125 annually for my chapter. This will vary chapter to chapter. Requirements will also vary somewhat between chapters, but generally, you will need to attend a community service event, a membership meeting, and pay your dues. It’s really straightforward.

What do the yearly dues support?
The yearly dues support the League and our dues to the national organization, AJLI. The Junior League is like any other nonprofit in that it needs funding to fuel its work in the community. Your dues support that work as well as resources that you will benefit from as a member including speaker fees, event costs, professional development resources, and more.

Yes, I have met REAL friends!

What ages are involved?
Any age! In the past, there were guidelines on age but now membership is open to women of any age. I loved my time in a sorority during college, but this is a great option for collegiate women that don’t mesh with Greek life but want to be engaged in their community and be developed in professional and personal areas of their life.

Do you have to graduate college to join?
No, you don’t have to be a college grad. A lot of members are, probably most, but you don’t have to be. I actually wish I started Junior League sooner because it has been the best experience!

How much do you spend a year on activities and Junior League events?
This is a great question. Outside of my annual dues, I might spend an additional $200 annually on the League. Now, before you get nervous this is not an exact number and it is also not illustrative of all member experiences. Last year, I was helping put together our Party with Purpose fundraiser event, and I chose to personally fund the silent auction items. I did not need to do that. I also purchased Kendra Scott jewelry during a Shop and Share event, and I also went out to dinners and coffee with other members. All of this added up was likely somewhere in the ballpark of $200, but realistically outside of your dues, you might only spend about $50-$100 more per year MAYBE. This is why I love the League because you really have a lot of control over your experience and making it work for you.

League ladies came to support me at the Lehigh Valley Style event and I was SO happy!

Does the Junior League support certain issues that can be seen as political?
This is a great question! The primary focus of the organization is to develop women and serve our communities. So, in terms of official support the League I would say no. Of course, each League will have its own personality and host its own events. In my experience, I haven’t come across one that feels political. Typically, there is also a vote from the membership to fund big events or activities hosted by the chapter. This means that everyone has a say in what the chapter does.

How much time does your membership require?
Not to be redundant, but it really is up to you! You are going to get out of it what you put into it, which is great. If you are super busy and switching careers or starting a family, you can attend whatever you are able to. There are different membership options, so for example when I moved out of town I was a non-resident member paying less in dues and having fewer requirements to attend membership meetings. You can also always take a step back from the League and come back to it later. Communication is key, so just keep in touch with your mentor and they will absolutely help you navigate any issues that you encounter.

Celebrating Fall Fete with the Junior League of Philadelphia and friends!

Have you made real friends?
Yes! In Philadelphia, I met a few women that are truly excellent mentors and made me want to become more involved, not just in the League, but also in my community. Now in the Lehigh Valley, I have had the pleasure of being in a super tight-knit League with the best women coming from a wide variety of backgrounds. I love grabbing a coffee or bite to eat with other members, and I absolutely count them as real friends. It can be difficult as an adult woman to make new friends, and I often get the question, “Where would I go to meet new friends as an adult? The bar? The grocery store?!”. Joining the Junior League is a great way to meet real friends that you will learn from, be inspired by, and want to spend time with.

If you ever have any other questions about the League that I can help you with, please let me know by commenting here or sending me a message through Instagram. I hope I can be a helpful resource as you begin your journey with the League!