You can shop all of my looks right here on my site, but the easiest way to follow along with all of my styles and outfits is to follow me on the LIKETOKNOW.IT APP! You can download it on the app store for FREE. Just sign up (it won’t spam you with emails!), search for ‘@classicallychriste’ in the App and Follow Me. You can shop all of my looks and outfits right from the feed! Or, you can just SCREENSHOT one of my instagram pictures to have the details sent straight to your inbox and it will appear in your app in less than 10 seconds – it’s that easy! 

The best way to get the details that you want? Just DM me on Instagram because I am oftentimes self-admittedly the world’s laziest blogger. I am trying to link more items directly through my Instagram stories, so following me there is truly your best bet.

