I have purchased a great number of totally useless things in my lifetime and I don’t say that because I am proud, but it is the truth. For example, I recently bought a pink plaque remover from Amazon. Totally cute, completely useless. I have now also purchased several pieces of clothing covered in feathers – completely impractical!

However, my eufy is an entirely different story. After many years of campaigning for a cleaning service to help relieve our current house cleaner ie. me, I am still no closer to my goal. Knowing that the whole house cleaning situation wasn’t within sights, I changed course. When I found the eufy on sale (and in white!) I bought it without really even thinking about. Once I realized that it was actually on its way, I started to panic just a little but because I could already see what was about to happen: I just ordered a $152 piece of junk that will push my dust bunnies around my hallway and do very little to improve my life. Boy, I could not have been more wrong!

I love my eufy because it is like the pet that I don’t have and definitely need. It follows me around and, when left unattended, may chew on electronics cords left lying around. It has already given me a great number of laughs whether it be due to the fact that it ate Andrew’s phone charger or because it was vacuuming in the bathroom and nearly scared the living daylights out of me. Laughing is good, particularly these days, so I’ll take a good chuckle where I can get one.

I also love my eufy because it saves me time, and time is money. Or, if time isn’t money, it is something even more important than money. It is LIFE. I have talked about this so many times, but time is the most valuable resource we have and one that we cannot replenish once it is gone. I was not expecting my eufy to do anything that groundbreaking but, in a way, it has done something of that magnitude. Every morning, I grab my coffee and let eufy get to work. Because of this new habit, our house has been continuously clean, and it has been so luxurious. In fact, if I keep up this habit I can totally see a world in which I am not wasting 2 hours each weekend trying to do a deep clean. Of course, I am going to want to clean up the baseboards occasionally and other hard-to-get places, but having someone (or something) else maintaining the clean while I relax with a coffee – that is what I can only imagine heaven feels like.

I think, most importantly, the eufy actually works. I know this shouldn’t be shocking but, like I’ve said, I’ve been known to make some questionable purchases. I am, after all, the one that continues to buy decorative mugs that can’t even be put in the microwave or dishwasher – who needs that in their life? But this eufy situation, it’s the real deal. I can’t hardly believe it, but the thing actually works. The other day, Andrew must’ve had a temporary brain lapse and actually, deliberately, dropped coffee grounds in front of the trashcan instead of in it. I grabbed the eufy remote, sent it over to the mess, and POOF. GONE. I was fairly impressed given the fact that I thought it was just going to sweep the grounds around and not actually vacuum them up. So that was exciting, but then it cleaned up everything in the living room after Andrew recovered our chair. The debris leftover from that project was everything from scraps of fabric, strands of thread, and a bunch of chunks of foam. I fully expected to have to go back and spot clean the pieces that the eufy couldn’t handle – nope. There was nothing left. It was amazing.

Some Additional Robot Vac Facts:

  • It runs on a rechargeable battery.
  • It has a remote for different cleaning settings, I just typically press “Auto” and it vacuums until the battery runs low and then it goes back to its dock.
  • It can climb over a bunch of small things, making it totally reasonable that it can navigate over thresholds and area rugs.
  • You can press a button that will send it back to its dock, I find this funny that I can send it home.
  • It comes in black and white, I like the white best!
  • Upgraded models can be controlled by an app on your phone.
  • You can set a cleaning schedule so that it automatically runs.
  • It comes with an extra filter and extra bristle brushes.

It probably seems odd to read an entire blog post about my love affair with my eufy, but this is not some throw-away product or fad. This little robot vacuum actually works, and I was so delighted to make such an excellent purchase and felt that the moment required documenting. I didn’t make any resolutions this year, and I can’t remember making any last year either. But, I have tried to set intentions to make changes that positively impact my life. Something I have committed to is protecting my time and making sure that I give myself the space and latitude to focus on me, do things I enjoy, and appreciate time not on the clock for anyone else. If you want to do something that will help you reclaim your time, I highly recommend purchasing a eufy. You should be able to drink your coffee while someone else vacuums, and spend your weekend relaxing, not cleaning your house, again. Below is a link to my exact eufy that I can confirm is in fact excellent. There are other models if you’re feeling adventurous, and if you do get a different model please let me know what you think, I would love to hear!