2018 was such a wild year. It’s impossible to walk through everything that happened, but I think it’s so important to go back and remember all the good things and give a little thought to the things that didn’t go so well too.

Starting in January, we traveled to Lewes, DE a lot to see my family. We took the ferry to Cape May (so fun!), we enjoyed the beach, we celebrated Christe Day (major highlight!), and we started Andrew’s second year of residency meaning more call, more late nights, and more pager dings. We celebrated three years of marriage (YAY US) and we finally settled into our new normal of living in Bethlehem.

Going into 2019, I don’t want to be a new me. I want to be the same me, but maybe with some “upgrades.” I’m hesitant to call what I’m putting in this blog post a list of resolutions because that freaks me out and seems like a lot of work and I don’t need more work. I’m going to just think of them as things I can do to be my best me, no pressure.

  • Do one thing a week that provides the space to relax. I’m admittedly not really good at sitting still and taking space to think. I take tons of time to reflect in the car, but I don’t take the time to let my thoughts wander and sink in to my surroundings. That’s important, and something that people should do more instead of hopping onto their cell phone.
  • Know when to say no. I am definitely not good at deciding to say no. I never want to cut myself short, and I don’t like thinking that I might miss out. Knowing when to say no is an art form that I apparently haven’t mastered, but I certainly want to get better for the betterment of myself and my health! I really don’t get FOMO, but I definitely get nervous that I won’t reach my full potential if I don’t keep pushing. This year, I want to work hard, but I want to continue to do so in a way that brings me joy and doesn’t run me down.
  • Keep learning. This shouldn’t be too hard because my master’s program goes straight through to 2020, so I have a lot of learning ahead of me! It is so essential to continue to exercise your brain and work to see every side of every issue. I never want to stop learning, growing, or pursuing knowledge (ah, nerd alert!) so this is a serious goal for me.

recap of 2018

What are your goals for the new year? It’s never too late to commit them to writing and hold yourself accountable to growth. Let me know in the comments below! xx